Saturday, June 27, 2015

Beautiful Skin Begins On The Inside: Learn The Benefits Of Taking A Daily Multivitamin

Beautiful Skin Begins On The Inside: Learn The Benefits Of Taking A Daily Multivitamin: The ads all say you should be taking a daily multivitamin. But, can you trust the ads? After all, they are companies trying to sell a ...

Two Essential Nutrients To Fight Menopausal Symptoms

As we age, our body changes. The nutrients required by a thirty-five year old woman are not the same nutrients required by a fifty-five year old woman. Perimenopausal and menopausal women require some specific nutrients to maintain optimum health.
Even if a woman eats a wide variety of healthy foods during this time, she may still be missing some essential nutrients. The reason is because her body has shifted and the nutrients she believes she needs may not address the symptoms of perimenopause or menopause. Let’s take a look at some symptoms and see how two important nutrients - calcium and vitamin D - work in tandem to ease those symptoms.
A lack of adequate calcium in the body can lead to reduced bone density. When your body doesn’t get enough calcium, it will take the calcium from the bones in your body. This can lead to bone loss and, eventually, osteoporosis.
Other problems, such as restlessness, anxiety, and disturbed sleep patterns may also be the result of a calcium deficiency. Begin building your calcium reserves by eating several of these foods daily:
·        Plain yogurt
·        Milk
·        Cottage Cheese
·        Mozzarella Cheese
·        Salmon or Sardines
·        Spinach
·        Collard Greens
·        Broccoli
Of course, along with adding calcium rich foods to your diet, taking a calcium supplement is an excellent way to ensure you are getting the right amount. The recommended amount of calcium for perimenopausal and menopausal women until the age of 55 is 1200 mg per day. After 55, it is often recommended to boost the dosage to 1500 mg per day. Our body tends to absorb less calcium as we age. The extra calcium can ease the symptoms of menopause and protect against bone loss.

Vitamin D

It’s important to know that calcium cannot be absorbed by the body without vitamin D. It doesn't matter how much calcium you take, if you don’t pair it with enough vitamin D, the calcium will not be absorbed properly. Most calcium supplements are now paired with vitamin D, but be sure to look before you buy.

Along with helping to absorb calcium to maintain bone health, vitamin D can also combat mood swings, even fighting off depression. Vitamin D is also known to help with memory and overall cognitive performance. 

One of the easiest, and best, ways to get enough vitamin D is to go outside. The sun works with your body to produce vitamin D through the skin. Just exposing your skin to sunlight 15 minutes a day will provide your body with a healthy dose of vitamin D. This is a case where more is not better. Once you have your 15 minutes, go ahead and lather on the sunscreen to protect your skin from overexposure. You have had all the sunlight you need.

If you are unable to get outside daily, add extra servings of milk or yogurt to your diet, along with fatty fish such as salmon or tuna. If, however, these sources of vitamin D are not readily available to you on a routine basis, then adding a supplement is a good idea. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is 1000 mg per day. 

Your doctor or other health professional will be your best resource if you have any doubts or questions about how much calcium and vitamin D you need to maintain optimum health and fight the symptoms of perimenopause or menopause. Make a list of all the calcium rich and vitamin D rich foods you eat each day, then sit down and discuss your lifestyle and eating habits with your doctor or health professional. Adding a supplement may be recommended, and it may be just the answer you were looking for to relieve those symptoms and enjoy better health.

RESERVE™ With a botanical blend of antioxidants that super-charge your internal systems, RESERVE™ is a naturally sweet supplement bursting with exotic fruit juices. It contains a host of powerful ingredients that repair free radical damage and protect cells against future harm. Your cells stay healthier, live longer, and leave you looking and feeling great.*30 Packets per box

Learn The Benefits Of Taking A Daily Multivitamin

The ads all say you should be taking a daily multivitamin. But, can you trust the ads? After all, they are companies trying to sell a product. So, should you believe what the ads say? Why should you take multivitamins? Is it really that important?
Getting your vitamins and minerals from food rather than supplements is the best method to ensure you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs. However, there are several reasons this isn't always going to work. Many of us just don't eat right, and even when we do eat right, the nutritional levels in the foods we buy may not be as dense as they could be, or used to be. Multivitamins provide an easy way to get the nutrients you may be missing.
But, just grabbing a multivitamin off the shelf may not be the best advice. Before you buy, check the label to ensure you will be getting what you need. The vitamins and minerals you want to be sure are included are:
·        Vitamin A
·        Vitamin C
·        Vitamin D
·        Vitamin K
·        Copper
·        Folic Acid
·        Iron
·        Zinc
These are the basic 'building blocks' for good health and proper nutrition. Be sure to check the FDA’s Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for each vitamin and mineral's individual amount required, then read the label and make sure you are getting what you need.
When you have the right balance of vitamins and minerals in a multivitamin, you will help give your body the ability to function properly. Here are just a few areas where the correct nutrients can help fend off illness and promote good health:
Preventing Deficiencies
When your body is deficient in vitamins and minerals, you can experience an array of health problems. Taking a daily multivitamin can help reduce the risk of health issues due to these deficiencies.
For example, vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that protects the body's cells from damage; both externally and internally caused damage. For instance, in patients with cataracts, this vitamin has shown the ability to help stop the progression of cataracts, and in some cases even reduce the formation of cataracts.

Reducing Stress

Daily stress is something everyone lives with. Life is filled with stressors, both bad and good. When you feel the adrenalin pumping, you know your body is using up your resources of vitamins and minerals just to handle the anxiety and stress. If you don’t have the proper nutrients your body needs to replenish and handle the drain on your body, you will suffer a deficiency. That’s when you get sick.
For example, our bodies quickly use up vitamin C during stressful situations. If not regularly replaced, this leads to a deficiency. And, in this instance, a deficiency can cause more than an illness. A deficiency of vitamin C can actually perpetuate the stress cycle as it causes irritability and anxiety, causing more stress, causing a drain of more vitamin C, and so on and so forth. Taking a supplement with vitamin C can help end this cycle.

Boosting Energy and Brain Power

Lack of proper nutrition can make you feel sluggish and tired. By taking a multivitamin every day, you know you're providing your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs. We all skip breakfast sometime, and we know how we feel if we do. Having that bit of nutrition 'insurance' helps your body stay healthy and awake, and doing what you ask it to do.

In much the same way, having the proper balance of vitamins and minerals provides your brain with the nutrition it needs to stay focused and alert. If achieving mental clarity is a priority in your life, then by all means add a multivitamin to your daily regimen.

Most of us want to eat right. After all, we need to keep our bodies fed with the proper amount of vitamins and minerals to operate at maximum capacity. Getting the nutrition we need from our food is ideal. But, the fact is, life keeps us busy. We don’t always take time to eat properly. Including a multivitamin in your day can help fill the gaps in nutrition. That one little step may just give you peace of mind as you strive to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

AM & PM Essentials™ These powerful dietary supplements effectively delay the symptoms of premature aging. AM Essentials™ contains energy-boosting nutrients that regulate mental clarity and focus. The PM Essentials™ formula balances and relaxes your body for a restful sleep.*60 caplets per bottle


Friday, June 26, 2015

Your Beautiful Skin Begins On The Inside

Everyone wants beautiful, soft, radiant skin. But how do we get it? With lotions and potions? Sure, they help, but beautiful skin starts with healthy skin, and that begins on the inside.

The first thing you must do to get healthy skin is to improve your diet. What you eat makes a big difference in how your skin looks and feels. Eating foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals is the key. Antioxidants help combat the free radicals that attack your body, both inside and outside, doing damage to the cells.

Many people simply do not eat a balanced diet. Getting enough fruits and vegetables into your diet to reap the benefits is important to skin health, and over-all health. You can do your best to include nutrient-dense foods in your diet, but another way to help boost nutrition is to take a multivitamin or other supplements.

Some powerful antioxidants to look for in your supplements are beta carotene, selenium, and vitamins C, D and E. Let’s go into a little more detail to explain how these nutrients make your skin healthy from the inside out.

Beta Carotene

Our bodies turn beta carotene into vitamin A. This helps your skin look healthy by keeping the membranes pliable and resilient. It also keeps the cell structure that holds your skin up strong. Beta carotene also helps your body resist damage from external environmental stresses, including the sun's damaging UV rays.

Vitamin C

This is a building block for collagen, which is a protein that helps cells renew, resulting in firm, smooth, glowing, skin. When collagen is low, the skin cells don't turn over often enough, resulting in dry, dull, leathery skin, which is prone to wrinkles. Exfoliation of the skin with external vitamin C applications is one way to promote skin health. However, taking vitamin C internally, either with food or supplements, wakes up the skin cells from within.

Vitamin D

Natural production of vitamin D in the body starts to slow around the age of twenty. A reasonable amount of sun exposure, about 15 minutes a day, is needed to produce vitamin D in the body. Eating foods naturally rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, mushrooms, and eggs, will help boost your vitamin D. However, as we age, it's difficult to get all the vitamin D we need in just those foods. Adding vitamin D fortified foods such as milk and yogurt to your diet will help. But, at some point, many of us may need to take a vitamin D supplement to ensure we have enough in our body. Vitamin D supports your skin's elasticity, can help clear up acne, and lessens dark spots, sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles as we age.

Vitamin E

This is a powerful antioxidant that will help protect and repair your skin. Your body can’t produce vitamin E on its own, so you have to be sure you get enough through food or supplements. However, when choosing a supplement, stay away from synthetic vitamin E. Studies have indicated that synthetic versions of vitamin E can actually do more harm than good.

Your health is as plain as the skin on your face. When you see excessive or premature wrinkles, acne, oil, dryness, redness, sagging, discoloration, or other skin conditions, it could be a sign of poor health. Many people don’t realize this, and instead of curing the health problem within, they use all sorts of magic topical products to patch things up. And that's all they're doing – patching things up. The skin problem will continue if the health issue isn't addressed first. The bottom line is, adding the vitamins and minerals your body is lacking will help give your skin the beauty treatment it needs.
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